We love our garden! During the growing seasons one of mine and Stef’s priorities every day is doing a garden walk together. As we are preparing for this year we are trying out a brand new tool called SeedTime and we think you should check it out too!

SeedTime is a garden planner that let’s you enter what you plan to grown and it helps you schedule everything else. I love that it helps us know when to start seeds but it doesn’t stop there. Based on when you start seeds it calculates the ideal time to transplant and an estimated harvest time. When you are looking at your plan you can see everything in a calendar view or switch and only see tasks that you need to complete this week. It will even update each future task if you do one late (like starting seeds a week later then planned).

The other feature I’m excited to try out this year is the garden journal. We can take pictures and notes from the garden to review later.

My biggest struggle so far has been their limited database for a few of the things we plan to grow. Right now there are very few herbs (especially the medicinal ones). There is the option for us to upgrade and enter all the details our self. We did read that they are constantly expanding their dataset but are currently focused on cut flowers.

Have you used SeedTime? Are you trying it out? We would love to hear what your thoughts are.

This article includes affiliate links but all opinions are our own. If you use the link to sign up we both get a $5 credit for free seeds.


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