This time it’s for real. Yesterday was click-baiting…but this post really is a gender reveal. We know the gender of our baby and are ready to share it with the world.

I have to say I’m so thankful for great friends who helped us pull this off. Not only did James and Alison create this awesome location for us to find out, they went and got the spray paint also. If you don’t have friends who you do life with you need to find a good church and join a small group!

We said yesterday that our family has been wanting a boy. On Facebook, a few friends started discussing the thought that it’s really twins. One boy, one girl. Soon our baby morphed into quadruples that are all boys. I’m thankful those guesses were wrong.

So are you ready to find out? Here’s a video with the answer.

Yep, we are having another girl! I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little disappointed but my girls are amazing and I’m sure this one would be too.

My sister Trish was correct. Our family has a pattern. My mom and two sisters had 3 girls and one boy. I don’t know why I thought I could escape that.

So now that you know the gender what will you be buying our baby? Just kidding. But I do have an ask. Could you consider subscribing to this blog, subscribing to your new Youtube Channel, sharing favorite articles, or liking us on Facebook? Not only will this help you stay up to date with us (which alone is enough), it helps bring credibility to in online communities.

Thank you for the prayers, especially for I (3) and I, as we become overwhelmed by estrogen in our home!


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